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New Burstable VMs

Warning: This post is over 365 days old. The information may be out of date.

It was announced this week that there is a public preview of new burstable VMs - Bsv2, Basv2 and Bpsv2. These VMs offer better price-performance, higher network bandwidth and remote storage throughput than the original B series. They are suitable for general-purpose workloads that need sporadic bursts of CPU usage.

As mentioned, the B series is great for that burst in performance when needed and has several use cases. There are some suitable differences between the ‘original’ B-series and these additions:

  • Increased number of vCPUs on higher SKUs
  • Increased amount of RAM on higher SKUs
  • Options for AMD & Arm-based processors
  • Accelerated Networking enabled by default

To try these VM SKUs, just follow the standard operation of changing a VM SKU as you would normally.

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